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The Yearly Planner

Yearly Planner


A 12-month planner to help you clarify, focus and achieve everything you need and want to do, without stress or overwhelm.


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  • Do you feel like you’re always playing catch-up and never really in control of how and where you spend your time?
  • Do you have dreams and ambitions but don’t have the time, clarity or focus to make them happen?
  • Do you feel stuck in life or that you’re lacking direction or purpose?
  • Do some parts of your life feel like they’re stuck or not going as you’d like or expect?
  • Do you want a simple but effective way to take action, make change and achieve what you want to achieve?


I know what it feels like to be so caught up in the every day that forward-planning and making big ideas become a reality feels very overwhelming and unrealistic.

I used to feel like that too until I discovered a way to change all that and I’d like to help you too.

Isn’t it time to get a clearer idea of what you want from life and a step-by-step, month-by-month action plan to really make that happen?

If the answer is a big “yes” I’ve created the Yearly Planner to help you do all this – simply and strategically.


  • 135-page instant access PDF download
  • Planning sheets for every month of the year
  • Plenty of space to brainstorm your thoughts and priorities and make the planner suit your own needs
  • You’ll get a set of Monthly Planning Sheets for January to December
  • For each month this will include…

Reflection on Last Month includes:

  • What went well
  • What didn’t go so well
  • What did you achieve
  • What did you learn
  • What are you most grateful for
  • What would you change
  • Wheel of Life Assessment exercise

Plans for the Coming Month includes:

  • Brain dump
  • Events, activities and appointments
  • Eisenhower Matrix exercise
  • Goal-planning for different areas of your life
  • Habit-planning for different areas of your life
  • Priority list
  • Monthly calendar


  • Print the pages one page per sheet or two pages per sheet (I like to do this latter option printed to A4 or US Letter)
  • Attach them to a clipboard or create your own folder or binder so you can refer to everything all in one place
  • Re-print additional sheets for each subsequent years
  • Minimal design to make it easy to print and fill in the pages
  • Undated so you can print over and over again


  • Receive updates automatically
  • Payments taken through Teachable and this is what will show up on your bank statement
  • Any applicable taxes for your state/country will be included at checkout
  • This is a digital download so unfortunately refunds are not available
  • For personal use only
  • Got a question or want more information, no problem! Email me at [email protected] and I’ll help you out!