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Simple Decluttering

Simple Decluttering Complete Workbook Bundle

Are you ready to take control of your clutter – once and for all?

STOP feeling frustrated about your home and the stuff in it.

Simple Decluttering is a bundle of amazing decluttering workbooks to help you TAKE BACK CONTROL over your home and the stuff that clutters your SPACE, TIME and FREEDOM.

Total Value $73+

Workbook Bundle Price $59

*If you have a coupon code, click the Buy Now button and enter the code at the checkout to claim your extra discount.


I used to struggle with looking after my home and the stuff in it too. I was juggling kids, work and general life and my home just seemed to drain my energy and suck my time. I was frustrated and run down.

Perhaps you feel like that too?!

Wouldn’t it be lovely to enjoy your home, invite guests round, be able to quickly and easily clean and tidy – so you can get on with doing other things?

Maybe you’re:

  • EMBARRASSED to invite guests over and worried what they’ll think or say?
  • FRUSTRATED at how long it takes to clean and tidy, especially at the end of a long day?
  • ANXIOUS about who will deal with your stuff when or if you’re not able to?
  • FED UP with feeling tied to managing your home and that there’s more to life that you might be missing out on?

I totally understand how you feel because I felt like that too…

But, it DOESN’T have to be that way. Here’s how you could start to change things…

11 things that make your closet look cluttered

Welcome to Simple Decluttering!

A COMPLETE SYSTEM of 5 POWERFUL WORKBOOKS to declutter your stuff and help you reclaim space, time and energy – and ENJOY YOUR HOME (and LIFE) AGAIN!

This is exactly what’s included in Simple Decluttering

  • Clear Your Clutter Workbook (46-page workbook to help you build your own decluttering action plan so you know what needs to be done BEFORE, DURING and AFTER decluttering. ) NORMAL PRICE $29
  • Emotional Decluttering Workbook (58-page workbook to help you explore your mindset and emotions about clearing clutter so you can OVERCOME some of the greatest ROADBLOCKS to successful, stress-free decluttering) NORMAL PRICE $11
  • Decluttering Journal Prompts Workbook (300 journal prompts to help you work out WHAT CLUTTER MEANS TO YOU, why it’s so difficult to deal with and what you want to ACHIEVE or CHANGE through decluttering) NORMAL PRICE $11
  • Staying Clutter-Free Workbook (23-page workbook to help you break the clutter cycle, STOP the clutter BUILDING BACK UP and undoing all your hard work) NORMAL PRICE $11
  • Simplify Your Wardrobe Workbook (26-page workbook with practical action steps to help you declutter your clothes, build a simpler but more flexible wardrobe, and make getting dressed QUICKER, MORE FUN and STRESS-FREE) NORMAL PRICE $11

The total value of all 5 workbooks is $73 but you can buy them together in Simple Decluttering for a discounted price of just $59!

Simple Decluttering Complete Workbook Bundle


When you walk in through your front door, what do you FEEL?

Many of my readers and students have said the following things. Do you feel the same?

  • I’m DESPERATE to get on top of the mess
  • I DON’T KNOW where to start but the stuff just keeps on piling up
  • It’s getting WORSE each day
  • I want to look forward to coming home and relaxing, instead I feel STRESSED the moment I walk up to my front door
  • I’d love to invite people over and be proud of my home, but I’m just ASHAMED of what my home looks like now

Your home should be a peaceful, calm and SUPPORTIVE space for you. Not one that drains your energy, sucks your time and you dread walking back into.


You could:

  • Feel more RELAXED and enjoy your home more so it’s somewhere you really LOVE TO BE
  • STOP WASTING TIME AND MONEY because you know what you own and where to find it easily
  • Be PREPARED, ORGANISED and LESS STRESSED so your days flow better even when they’re busy
  • Be grateful for a home that FUNCTIONS WELL for everyone that lives there
  • Invite friends over and be PROUD of your home and look forward to sharing it with the people who are closest to you
  • Feel less overwhelmed and burdened by your home and instead feel more CONFIDENT, HAPPIER, CALMER and MORE ORGANISED
  • Achieve your goal of FINALLY CLEARING CLUTTER and setting up your home to work for you instead of battling with stuff and not knowing how to keep on top of it
  • Create more time, space and freedom for WHAT REALLY MATTERS TO YOU instead of being tied to your home and what it demands of you. You’ve probably got enough demands on you already, right?
Simple Decluttering - decluttering system


If Simple Decluttering could help with all of this, do you want to have a closer look inside?!

Let’s see how Simple Decluttering is going to help you say GOODBYE! to clutter and HELLO! to an easier home and life…

1. Clear Your Clutter Workbook

Clear Your Clutter Workbook
  • A 46-page workbook to help you build a decluttering action plan to clear clutter without stress and overwhelm
  • Decide where to focus your efforts for maximum impact based on your home, life and personal circumstances
  • Overcome problems that you’re likely to face in your own home and the decluttering process you’re going to follow

2. Emotional Decluttering Workbook

Emotional Decluttering Workbook
  • A 58-page workbook to help you explore the mindset and emotional challenges that get in the way of decluttering your home
  • Understand how you feel about your stuff and the powerful emotions that are involved in decluttering
  • Overcome guilt, regret, stress, overwhelm and perfectionism for easier, more effective decluttering

3. Decluttering Journal Workbook

Decluttering Journal Workbook
  • 300 Journal prompts to help you understand your relationship with clutter and why you’ve been holding onto it
  • Use journaling as a tool to identify stresses, worries and problems when it comes to your clutter and how you’ve been dealing with it
  • Have a vision for your home and life to inspire and motivate you when you’re struggling with decluttering and about to give up

4. Staying Clutter-Free Workbook

Staying Clutter-Free Workbook
  • A 23-page workbook to help you work out exactly how to keep clutter away for the long-term with simple, stress-free strategies
  • Learn how to create daily habits and routines to stay clutter-free long after decluttering
  • Learn how to organise and make your home function as you need it to without clutter building back up

5. Simplify Your Wardrobe Workbook

Simplify Your Wardrobe
  • A 26-page workbook to help you create a simplified, easy wardrobe with clothes that make you feel good and look great, every day and without hassle!
  • Learn how to confidently declutter clothes including pieces that hold sentimental value or you want to keep just in case you need them some day
  • Identify your signature style and learn how to use this to stop wasting money, time and space buying and keeping clothes that you never wear



Hi, I’m Antonia, and my goal is to help busy people feel less overstretched and overwhelmed by decluttering and simplifying their home and life.

A decade ago I was juggling kids, work and general life. I was trying to do it all but was feeling overstretched, tired and run down. My home and life made me feel like I was on a treadmill and the faster I ran to keep up, the tougher it was to get off.

I didn’t realise how bad things were until I reached burn-out. Although tough, looking back it was the catalyst for big changes. I learned how to declutter my home and simplify my life through getting rid of excess stuff and things that brought me down – and made space and time for what mattered more to me instead.

It wasn’t easy and I made many mistakes and false-starts. Since then I’ve been sharing my experiences online through my website, blog, courses and resources, to help and teach others to find a better balance through simplicity. Not necessarily an easy life, but EASIER and I want that for you too if you need it…

Let Simple Decluttering give you a fresh start.

There’s MORE TO DECLUTTERING though and that’s what I want to share with you…

I’ll let you into a little secret. Decluttering ISN’T JUST about getting rid of things. If it was that simple, then we’d all be decluttered by now. Right?! But, there’s so much more to decluttering than first meets the eye…

  • Decluttering is LIFE-CHANGING and can be addictive but in a good way
  • Decluttering gets EASIER AND MORE EFFECTIVE the more you do it
  • Decluttering is about how you THINK AND FEEL about your clutter, not just about what and how much you get rid of
  • Decluttering can be a BIG task but it’s possible EVEN WITH tiny pockets of time – YOU JUST NEED A PLAN

And Simple Decluttering walks you through all these things!


Here’s what OTHER HAPPY CUSTOMERS are saying!

  • “Before I bought this I didn’t really know where to start. Over the years, we’d built up so much stuff and I didn’t really know where to begin. This guide broke it down so I could go through my stuff step-by-step. I learned some great tips on how to keep the clutter away too which I hope we’ll stick to going forward!” (L.M. Kent)
  • “Loved the workbooks and challenge sections – it made everything I was learning easier to put into practice in my own home.” (K.E)
  • “If you want to know why we get so much clutter and how to prevent it (rather than just learning how to get rid of it), this guide is great. For me it was more about thinking differently about the stuff in my house and whether I really needed it in my life and how this [change in thinking] stopped it building up in the first place.” (M.W. Beds)


  • Keep staying stuck with stuff and hope that ONE DAY things will change? Meanwhile you carry on buried under mountains of laundry, dirty dishes, piles of papers and keep on losing things (wasting time and money and feeling stressed out and fed up) OR you could…
  • Decide to try Simple Decluttering and FINALLY clear your stuff and make a home that really supports you, functions perfectly for everyone who lives in it and is a place that you LOVE to be.

Instead of YOU working so hard FOR your home, let’s make YOUR HOME WORK HARD FOR YOU.

I hope Simple Decluttering unburdens your heart, mind and space of clutter and frees them up for living your best life.

Life is too short to feel burdened by your home and the stuff in it.

TAKE ACTION TODAY to clear your path, find calm out of chaos and enjoy more of what matters to YOU!

Simple Decluttering

What’s Included:

  • Clear Your Clutter Workbook NORMAL PRICE $29
  • Emotional Decluttering Workbook NORMAL PRICE $11
  • Decluttering Journal Prompts Workbook NORMAL PRICE $11
  • Staying Clutter-Free Workbook NORMAL PRICE $11
  • Simplify Your Wardrobe Workbook NORMAL PRICE $11
  • Save to your files for lifetime access and opt in for all future updates and new workbooks when they’re added PRICELESS

Total Value = $73+

Workbook Bundle Price = $59


What format is Simple Decluttering in? Simple Decluttering comes as a bundle containing 5 separate files, each in digital download PDF format. The printable resources are minimally designed for ease of printing. You will not receive a physical copy in the mail.

How long will it take to work through Simple Decluttering? Everyone has different timescales so it’s impossible to say. But, it’s amazing what a difference even 15 minutes a day will make if you’re committed and ready for action!

How will I get Simple Decluttering after I purchase? Purchases are made securely through Teachable. Teachable is what will show up on your bank statement. Any applicable taxes for your country/state will be added at checkout. After purchase, you will receive an email with a link to access Simple Decluttering as soon as you’re ready. As this is a digital product you will not receive a physical copy.

Can I share the material? Simple Decluttering is copyrighted and for personal use only. You are not permitted to copy, sell, share or distribute.

I have a discount code but how do I use it? If you have a coupon code, click any of the Buy Now buttons and enter the code at the checkout to claim your extra discount.

Do you offer refunds? Due to the downloadable nature of this product, I’m afraid refunds are not available and all sales are final. If you have any questions please email me at [email protected].