Over the years I’ve created lots of free resources but to make it easier for you, I’ve gathered many of them here on this page. Take a look at the list below and click the links to learn more. I hope they help you declutter your home, manage and organise your time and simplify your life in different ways!
You’ll also find many more freebies dotted around my site so take a look around to see what you can find!
Free resources to help declutter your home and keep that clutter away!
- Declutter Starter Kit: A workbook and guide packed with projects and tips to help you get started decluttering your home and life, WITHOUT STRESS OR HASSLE – and keep that clutter away!
- 40 Quick Declutter Projects Checklist: Want to declutter but short on time? Use this free checklist with 40 quick declutter projects which will each take you just 5 MINUTES OR LESS!
- Declutter Jump-Start Plan: A free worksheet setting out your first 7 steps to start decluttering, right now! If you LOVE FOLLOWING A PLAN, this worksheet is for you!
- Declutter Any Room in Your Home: A free printable checklist to help you DECLUTTER ANY ROOM in your home with ease and no stress!
- Declutter Challenge: A free 30-day declutter challenge to kick-start your decluttering with simple projects to free up space, time and energy. ONE DAY AT A TIME!
- 100 Things to Get Rid of Today: A free worksheet with an easy list of 100 things to get rid of today. It’s split into ten sections around your home for some QUICK DECLUTTERING WINS.
- Wardrobe Declutter Checklist: A free printable to help you declutter your closet, ENJOY YOUR CLOTHES and make your wardrobe work for you and your life, without stress or hassle!
- Bathroom Declutter Checklist: One of the EASIEST PLACES to start decluttering, especially with this handy free checklist to follow and tick off!
Free resources to help you make life easier and simpler.
- Your Intentional Life 7-Day Email Course: Stop living on autopilot and focus on what really matters to YOU. Take this FREE 7-day email course to build Your Intentional Life.
- Minimalism Jump-Start Guide: Explore a life with MORE OF WHAT MATTERS and LESS OF WHAT DOESN’T. A free 10-step guide to help you get started with minimalism today!
- Setting Up Routines Toolkit: A workbook to help create flexible routines for your home. Keep your home clean and tidy with MINIMAL EFFORT and maximum ease!
- Know Your Priorities: A free worksheet to help you get clear on your priorities and make time and space for them DAILY.
- Cleaning Checklist: A free printable to help keep your home more CLEAN AND TIDY without hassle!
- Start of the Week Journal Prompts: A free list of 30 journal prompts to help you focus on the week ahead with INTENTION and CLARITY.
- Simple Travel Planner: A set of free worksheets to help you plan and organise for simple, stress-free TRAVEL ADVENTURES.
- Simple Christmas Guide: The Simple Christmas Guide is a free PDF with with simple seasonal and festive tips to help you find more CALM and PEACE over Christmas and the holidays.
- Simple Self-Care Workbook: A free download packed with simple, practical self-care ideas for when life is busy or you need EASY, SUSTAINABLE and realistic TLC!
- Mental Declutter Checklist: Do you feel overwhelmed and overloaded? Use this free Mental Declutter Checklist to help you UNBURDEN YOUR MIND and find clarity and peace instead.
- Mindful Week Printable: A free worksheet to help you check that your week is going HOW YOU’D LIKE IT TO.
- Self-Care Journal Prompts: Looking for ways to reconnect with yourself and explore what MAKES YOU HAPPY? Try these 30 journal prompts for self-care and self-love.
- Brain Dump Planner: LET GO OF ALL THE THOUGHTS swirling around your brain with this free worksheet to help you get focus and clarity of thought.
Free resources to help you be productive and organised.
- Tips to Simplify Your Day: A free printable to help you plan your day. Get things done and still FIND TIME AND SPACE for what matters to you.
- Habit Tracker Printable: Ready to put some GOOD HABITS in place for your home, time or life? Stay on track with this free printable to chart your progress!
- Schedule Your Priorities Worksheet: Feel like you’re always busy and doing things? Use this free worksheet to declutter and PLAN YOUR SCHEDULE and make time for what matters to YOU!
- Meal-Plan Template: A free template to help you meal-plan for the week ahead. Let’s make meal times EASIER and LESS STRESSFUL.
- Monthly Checklist Printable: A free printable to help you plan, prepare and ORGANISE the COMING MONTH with more ease, more time and less stress.
- Sunday Planning Printable: A free worksheet to help you plan and organise for an EASIER WEEK ahead.
- Goal-Setting Toolkit: A free workbook to guide you through the process of setting MEANINGFUL GOALS for your life (that really, really matter to you) and helping ensure you keep them!
You’ll be asked to pop in your details so I know where to send you the information.
You may receive some extra emails after you’ve signed up, just to give you some more tips and encouragement that I think might be helpful and relevant. Don’t worry though, you won’t be added onto my email list more than once!
I hope that these emails will help you learn a little bit more about me and how decluttering and simplifying our complicated lives can help in so many ways.
You might even like my content so much that you go onto buy one of my workbooks and planners!
However, if you find my content isn’t helpful don’t worry, you can unsubscribe at any time using the ‘Unsubscribe’ link on each email, and still keep and use your freebie(s).
If there’s something you’d like but can’t find it, please drop me an email at [email protected]!