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The Ultimate Self-Care Toolkit

Ultimate Self-Care Toolkit


A 59-page workbook to help you build a consistent, realistic SELF-CARE PLAN for your BEST SELF.


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Do you look after yourself or put yourself at the bottom of the priority pile?

Self-care for your body and mind is NOT SELFISH. Looking after yourself is vital in helping make sure you ENJOY LIFE and live as fully as possible for AS LONG AS POSSIBLE. This could be for yourself or for those who love and need you.

We often put self-care on the back-burner, to come back to another day (or another) when we have more time, more space, more energy and less commitments. And then we end up feeling frazzled, rushed, depressed or anxious and heading for burn-out.

Perhaps you:

  • Feel TIRED, STRESSED AND RUN DOWN in both body and mind?
  • STRUGGLE TO FEEL POSITIVE, confident and ready to face the ups and downs of life?
  • FEEL THAT EVERYTHING IS TOUGH and getting through the day is like you’re wading through treacle?
  • WISH YOU HAD MORE TIME AND SPACE to look after yourself but you’re just too busy?
  • FEEL GUILTY OR SELFISH for wanting to look after yourself so you keep putting it off?
  • NEED A SIMPLE SELF-CARE ACTION PLAN that’s simple, realistic and that really works but you don’t know where or how to start?

I totally understand how you feel because I felt like that too…

Ultimate Self-Care Toolkit


The Ultimate Self-Care Toolkit will help you create a consistent self-care routine that WORKS FOR YOU and your life. 

Here’s what you’ll learn inside of the Ultimate Self-Care Toolkit:

  • Prioritise your body and mind for a healthier, happier you: The exercises, challenges and journal prompts are designed to help you understand HOW YOU FEEL NOW, how you’d like to FEEL INSTEAD, and come up with simple steps to make the changes you need.
  • Stop letting life wear you down: We look at self-care for your BODY and MIND and how you can create a self-care ACTION PLAN that’s realistic and enjoyable. SAY NO to feeling guilty, putting it off until tomorrow, relying on unhealthy habits and feeling frustrated that you never have time for you.
  • Feel better and make the most of your life: Every decision you take and action you make in life starts from WITHIN YOU. Use these worksheets and printables to build your own self-care routine with FOCUS, FUN AND MOTIVATION and become your BEST SELF!

This workbook will help you find ways to feel calmer, more confident and more positive by making time for yourself on a regular basis.

Ultimate Self-Care Toolkit

“As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.”

– Maya Angelou


This is what’s included so you’ll know exactly what to expect when you get your copy!

  • Instant download 59-page PDF
  • Introduction and why self-care is vital for living your best life
  • Self-assessment to understand how you really feel right now
  • Exploring gratitude as a powerful mindset shift for a happier you
  • How to make time for you even when life is busy
  • What makes you happy and how to build on that
  • Looking after your body and your health
  • Journaling and journal prompts to understand how you feel about yourself
  • Brain dump challenge to declutter and help you think clearly
  • The glass jar challenge to support better mental and physical health
  • Overcoming obstacles and what gets in the way of self-care for you
  • The different forms of self-care for your mind, body and life
  • Simple, practical self-care ideas that are both effective and realistic
  • Self-care for bad days so you have a go-to action plan when you need it most
  • Build daily, weekly, monthly and yearly self-care plans for structure and consistency
  • Seasonal self-care plans for Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter
  • Sleep, mood, relationship and habit trackers to monitor and chart your progress
  • Work-out templates to plan your movement and exercise
  • Reflection worksheets to discover how you’re thinking and feeling
  • Positive thinking and mindset exercises for confidence and resilience
  • Challenge templates to set your own self-care plans and goals

Why not use the Ultimate Self-Care Toolkit to build your own self-care plan that fits around you and your life?


59 pages to help you build your own personalised Self-Care Plan to revisit as often as you need!

Here’s a look at just some of the pages…

Ultimate Self-Care Toolkit
Ultimate Self-Care Toolkit
Ultimate Self-Care Toolkit
Ultimate Self-Care Toolkit


Hi, I’m Antonia, and my goal is to help busy people feel less overstretched and overwhelmed by decluttering and simplifying their homes and life.

A decade ago I was juggling kids, work and general life. I was trying to do it all but was feeling overstretched, tired and run down. My home and life made me feel like I was on a treadmill and the faster I ran to keep up, the tougher it was to get off.

I didn’t realise how bad things were until I reached burn-out. Although tough, looking back it was the catalyst for big changes. I learnt how to declutter my home and simplify my life through getting rid of excess stuff and things that brought me down – and made space and time for what mattered more to me instead.

It wasn’t easy and I made many mistakes and false-starts. Since then I’ve shared my experiences to help and teach others to find a better balance through simplicity. Not necessarily an easy life, but EASIER and I want that for you too if you need it…


  • 59-page instant access PDF
  • Workbook section and printable planner pages
  • Designed minimally for easy printing
  • Free updates received automatically
  • This is a digital download so unfortunately refunds are not available
  • For personal use only
  • Payments made securely through Teachable. Teachable is what will show up on your bank statement
  • Any applicable taxes for your state/country will be included at checkout
  • Got a question or want more information, no problem! Email me at [email protected] and I’ll help you out!
  • If you have a coupon code, please enter this at the checkout to receive your discount.

Ready to make time for you?

Start today and make self-care a regular part of your daily routine.