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Minimalism and minimalist living is a lifestyle that focuses on the important by removing the unimportant. You don’t have to get rid of all your stuff, never buy anything new or live with bare white walls and no furniture. In fact, minimalism isn’t really about your stuff at all.

This collection of articles about a gentle and compassionate form of minimalism to suit you and your lifestyle will help you shift your mindset and make clear decisions on what clutters, distracts and removes you from living your life to the full.

You’ll find minimalist living tips on getting started with minimalism, minimalism for you, minimalism at home, minimalism with kids, the minimalist lifestyle and how to create a minimalist wardrobe.

Minimalism and minimalist living isn’t about forcing you to live with less. It’s about finding purpose, enjoyment and meaning through intentionally making space for what matters most to you.

I hope these articles help you to embrace minimalism in your own life and build a life you love.

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