Capsule wardrobes have become increasingly popular. In this article I share 14 amazing benefits of a capsule wardrobe to help simplify your life, enjoy and make the most of your clothes. There’s also a free printable Wardrobe Declutter Checklist to get you started!
The term capsule wardrobe was coined by Susie Faux in the 1970s. According to Wikipedia, a capsule wardrobe is “a collection of a few essential items of clothing that do not go out of fashion, such as skirts, trousers, and coats, which can then be augmented with seasonal pieces”.
A capsule wardrobe can be as rigid or flexible as you need it to be to suit your interests and lifestyle.
Since decluttering my clothes, I have a smaller wardrobe, full of clothes that I love to wear but not so full that my wardrobe is crammed and my mind is overwhelmed every time I open the doors!
There have been so many positives about downsizing my wardrobe and I’d like to share some of these amazing benefits of a capsule wardrobe with you today in this article.
Here are 14 amazing benefits of a capsule wardrobe to help simplify your life and save time and stress.
1. Reduces decision fatigue
It’s estimated that the average adult makes around 35,000 remotely conscious decisions every day so no wonder we feel worn out physically and mentally at the end of the day. Not only is that a lot of decisions, but the quality of those decisions lessens over time. This is called decision fatigue.
One of the first benefits of a capsule wardrobe is to lessen some of the first decisions of your day, deciding what to wear, and thus helping avoid decision fatigue later in the day. Less choice of clothes, a limited number of options and easier decision-making.
2. Saves time
A capsule wardrobe generally has fewer clothes. You might stick to a relatively strict number of items, worn on rotation for the season for example, or you might just use the space you have available in your closet to limit your number instead.
Either way, a capsule wardrobe is smaller, and has less options, so it’s quicker to choose your outfit for the day (and know that you’re going to look and feel great wearing it!). All of this saves time.
3. Contributes to a more stress-free morning routine
Saving time on a busy morning is key. Most of us have a million and one things to do in the morning such as getting ready for work, getting the kids ready and to school, preparing lunches, walking the dog and so on. A capsule wardrobe contributes to a more stress-free morning routine because it’s quicker and easier to decide what you’re wearing so you can get on and do everything else that you need to.
4. Takes up less space
Many of us who haven’t decluttered our clothes for years might find that our clothes outgrow the space we have available. They might be squashed into the dark recesses of the back of our wardrobe, spread into boxes under the bed or on top of the wardrobe and even take up space in the wardrobes and cupboards in other rooms in the house. A capsule wardrobe with a carefully curated collection of pieces you love and enjoy wearing will take up less space (and your clothes won’t be squashed into it either).

5. Easier to tidy and organise
As a capsule wardrobe has less clothes, you’ll find it’s easier to keep it tidy and organised. You have more space to move the hangers side by side and reach in. You can fold and lay your clothes in drawers instead of stuffing them in and ramming the drawers shut. You might even also have a little extra space for drawer organisers, pretty and/or functional boxes to separate and organise your clothes and accessories.
6. Makes the most of your clothes
I love this benefit of a capsule wardrobe because it helps ensure I’m making the most of my clothes. Every piece of clothing I decide to keep needs to work hard for me. It has to deserve a treasured place in my wardrobe by being something that I love to wear and which I feel and think I look good wearing. In return, I honour those clothes by wearing them regularly and getting good value for money out of them.
7. Helps us keep on top of laundry
I always used to wonder how a capsule wardrobe would help me keep on top of laundry. Surely, no matter the size of my wardrobe, I would still always have a day’s clothes to wash each day? Until I tried it out and realised the practicality!
With a capsule wardrobe it’s important to do the laundry (and maybe ironing) regularly, and put your clean clothes away, or you’ll soon run out of clothes to wear! With a larger number of clothes you can just keep reaching in for something different to wear each day. Although this may feel like you have more variety, the downside is that your laundry pile will be building up! A capsule wardrobe helps you keep on top of basic household routines.
8. Makes shopping easier
A capsule wardrobe is all about getting clear on the clothes you do and don’t like to wear, including creating your own personal style or daily uniform. When you go shopping for new clothes, it’s really helpful to bear in mind your style so you avoid buying things that you might not wear once you get them back home. For example, I hate skinny jeans and don’t have any in my own capsule wardrobe. I prefer bootcut so I know to not buy skinny styles when I’m at the shops.
9. Saves money
As a capsule wardrobe makes shopping easier, it also helps me be more intentional and mindful when I do go shopping. I avoid buying clothes that I know I won’t get enough use out of, I know exactly what I do and don’t have already, and any gaps that I need to fill. A capsule wardrobe helps save money and stops us buying clothes we don’t need.
10. Better for the environment
A capsule wardrobe reduces waste, encourages sustainability and is better for the environment. It helps us become more conscious consumers, often buying better quality where possible and keeping it for longer too.
11. Makes getting dressed more fun
A capsule wardrobe doesn’t have to be bland, boring or rigid. It can be full of colour, pattern and variety if you want it to be. The only capsule wardrobe rules or criteria to follow are that the clothes are worn regularly, they fit your body and style right now and they can be worn with a good number of other items in a flexible, coordinating way. How you put that into practice for yourself is up to you! But, this does mean that getting dressed is more fun, either because you’ve got a collection of clothes you enjoy wearing, or (for those who don’t care about clothes as much) it’s quicker and hassle-free!
12. Helps you develop your own style
I mentioned this earlier, but developing your own personal style is a wonderful benefit of a capsule wardrobe. In order to work out which pieces you want to keep in your wardrobe, you’re forced to decide whether you really like each piece. Do you like the cut, fit, style, fabric, texture, colour? If not, why not? Over time this will help you become more clear on your preferences and build your own style, which you can then adapt with the seasons and over time.
13. Makes getting dressed easier
A capsule wardrobe makes getting dressed easier. For all the reasons I’ve mentioned above, it’s no wonder that many successful people have chosen a capsule wardrobe, including Mark Zuckerberg and Steve Jobs. It’s quicker, is good for the planet and helps us feel ready and confident for the day ahead. It’s also easier to get dressed because my wardrobe only contains clothes that I enjoy and do wear. I’m not greeted by clothes that don’t fit and which make me feel bad, or clothes that remind me of past places, events, memories or lifestyles. My clothes suit my life and body right now.
14. Reduces stress
Simplifying life is all about finding workarounds for the everyday tasks that require time, energy and motivation. Building your own capsule wardrobe that suits your body and current lifestyle is a great way of simplifying your life for all the reasons I’ve mentioned in this article. More than that, knowing that you have a closet of clothes that fits, suits and helps you feel your best is a good way of reducing stress.

If you enjoyed this article and would like to feel the same benefits of a capsule wardrobe in your own life, then you might enjoy these articles for more tips and inspiration:
- 12 Capsule Wardrobe Tips: A Simple Wardrobe Made Easy
- How to be Ruthless When Decluttering Clothes
- Seasonal Clothing Declutter: 5 Tips to Declutter Clothes Each Season
- Which Clothes to Declutter? Simple Questions to Help You Decide
There are several popular challenges which you can join if you’d like to experiment dressing with less. Some examples of these are:
To help you begin decluttering your clothes and defining your own personal style, I’ve created a free printable Wardrobe Declutter Checklist which you can use to guide you. Pop your details in the box below to get your copy direct into your inbox.

Antonia Colins is the creator of Balance Through Simplicity, helping busy people declutter, simplify and live more intentionally. She has over 20 years of personal and professional experience in juggling work and family life and supporting individuals to remain independent and enjoy their home more. In her spare time, you can find Antonia walking, gardening or planning her next travel adventure! She lives in the UK with her husband and teenage kids. Read more about Antonia.