Minimalism is a lifestyle that enables you to focus on what matters. In this article I’m sharing my thoughts on what is minimalism and a few things it’s not. I hope it encourages you to approach minimalism with an open mind and explore it for yourself if you’d like to!
Minimalism and Minimalist Living
A simple life has given me so many benefits beyond a clearer, tidier home. In this post I’m sharing 5 powerful lessons from living a simple life which I hope encourage and inspire you to try it too!
Minimalism is a lifestyle choice encouraging you to clear the clutter from your life so you can focus on your priorities and the things that really matter to you, in your home, schedule, heart and mind. In this post I explain my interpretation of the minimalist mindset and how to think like a minimalist.
In this article we explore what it means to simplify life, how to get started and how it can help you create a full and meaningful life.
I love quotes about simplicity. They’re powerful reminders to focus on what’s important and let the rest go. I hope you enjoy this collection of my favourite 30 simple living quotes as inspiration to declutter and simplify life.
Minimalism gets a bad name and often thought of as dull, rigid and restrictive. In this article, I’d like to share 3 gentle things to try if you’re not sure minimalism is for you. I hope you’ll discover that minimalism is so much more than getting rid of stuff!
Minimalism has many benefits but does minimalism make you happier? Is there a relationship between simplicity and happiness? In this article I’m sharing my own personal perspective on whether minimalism can make us happier and, in some cases, why it can’t.
What is so great about minimalism? In this article, I’d like to share my personal perspective on the value of the minimalist lifestyle and the benefits of simplifying life.
There’s a common assumption that to fully embrace the Minimalist lifestyle, you have to get rid of all your stuff. Minimalism is much more than throwing away everything you own and living a life of scarcity. Here are some helpful tips and a personal story of how to be a minimalist when you love stuff.
Housework doesn’t have to be complicated or use up your precious time and energy. Here are some simple tips on how to spend less time cleaning and a minimalist cleaning routine to keep your home clean without you spending ages cleaning it!