If you’re struggling to take care of yourself or just need a lift and some self-love, check out my free little challenge to simplify your self-care. 5 simple challenges to help you think differently about looking after yourself and make self-care a consistent, effective part of your daily routine.
Self-Care and Happiness
We all have days when things don’t seem to go right or we’re not feeling very happy or positive. Here are some quick tips to help you feel a little better and 20 simple things to do when you’re having a bad day.
Life can get busy and we sometimes struggle to keep pace. If this has happened to you but you don’t know how to slow down, here are some simple tips to help you slow down and enjoy life more.
One of the most effective ways of finding clarity and focus is to get your thoughts out of your head and down onto paper where you can organise them and take action. Try these tips on how to do a brain dump to reduce stress and overwhelm.
Do you remember when you first met your partner and you were starry-eyed with passion and love? Fast forward to now when you have a family, job and 1001 commitments. Quality time together for you and your partner seems few and far between. Here are some tips on how to keep the passion alive in your relationship when you have kids.