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20 Christmas Traditions for a Simple, Memorable Low-Cost Holiday

20 Christmas Traditions for a Simple, Memorable Low-Cost Holiday

Want to create a memorable Christmas without spending a small fortune? Try these 20 Christmas traditions for simple, meaningful ways to celebrate Christmas without breaking the bank.


One of the key ways in which I simplify Christmas in our home is to cut down on any excessive spending. I love Christmas but I don’t like how commercialised it’s become and how there’s pressure everywhere to buy and spend more.

For me, Christmas is about spending time with friends and family, creating memories, reminiscing on the past year and looking forward to the next.

“Christmas isn’t a season”. It’s a feeling.

Edna Ferber


Christmas means different things to different people. It can be spiritual, emotional, uplifting, sad, stressful, even chaotic! However, there’s one thing that many of us can agree on – that Christmas can be expensive!

Yet, there are some ways to make Christmas memorable without having to spend lots of money. One of these is to focus on establishing some Christmas traditions that you and your family can enjoy and look forward to each year.

I’ve put together this list of ideas for Christmas traditions that won’t cost lots of money, if any. They’re simple, practical, effective and can be enjoyed by all the family – whatever your age!

20 simple Christmas traditions


Here are a few ideas for simple Christmas traditions that will make the holidays memorable but without breaking the bank.

  1. Make a Christmas tree decoration or ornament, one per child/adult each year. Check out Pinterest for some great ideas aimed at various levels of artistic skill! Read more tips on decluttering Christmas decorations.
  2. Bake and make a gingerbread house. It can be as complicated or simple as your baking and decoration skills will allow! If it’s easier, buy a pre-made one and just decorate it! (For that personal touch, gingerbread houses made by you also make a great home-made gift rather than something that’s bought from the shops).
  3. Spend an evening having a Christmas-themed film night which all the family can enjoy together. There are loads of Christmas films to pick from depending on your mood and the audience! Run an internet search of popular Christmas films and take your pick from loads to choose from. Don’t forget to get cosy, add drinks and snacks and make it a film fest to remember!
  4. Get wrapped up for the cold, go for a walk and look at the Christmas lights in your neighbourhood! The kids can go on scooters, in buggies or just enjoy hunting for the best display. It’ll give you some exercise too!
  5. Go for a drive and go a little further afield to look at the lights.
  6. Try a chocolate fondue with marshmallows and different fruits. Always good fun trying to make sure you don’t lose your marshmallows and the kids will love all the chocolatey goodness!
  7. Write a letter to Father Christmas saying how good you’ve been all year and how you plan to carry that on for next year. Explain why you think you’ve been good enough for presents and how you’ll give something back – Christmas isn’t just for receiving!
  8. Put out some carrots and sprinkle oatmeal on the lawn for the reindeer to eat on Christmas Eve. Make a sign to let them know where they should be landing in your garden!
  9. Bake mince pies or Christmas cookies and enjoy decorating (and eating) them! (Again, these would make a lovely gift for someone who’d appreciate the personal touch).
  10. Leave some milk and some of those cookies you made in the step before out for Father Christmas when he drops off your presents. Maybe a whisky too if you think he’s cold and needs warming up! Don’t forget to write a thank you note so he knows you appreciate his visit!
  11. Get your children to choose a couple of toys they no longer play with to give to charity. Teach them that Christmas is about giving, not just receiving. (This will also help declutter your home a little in preparation for some new toys that the kids might get as presents!).
  12. Make a big thing of choosing your Christmas tree, putting it up and decorating it. Put on some Christmas music and get all the family involved. No arguments though, so make sure you know who gets the final design decision! (Don’t forget to check the Christmas tree lights work before you put them on the tree!).
  13. Light a candle for loved ones that are no longer with you so you can remember them.
  14. Get your kids to make their own Christmas decorations. Again, Pinterest is a great source of ideas and inspiration.
  15. Make some homemade gifts to give to family and friends. Little cakes, biscuits, mince pies, candied fruit etc. They can all be wrapped up beautifully to make them really special.
  16. Make your own DIY advent calendar and count down the days until Christmas!
  17. Visit an elderly relative or neighbour that you don’t see very often who you think might appreciate a visit.
  18. Call a friend or family member that you haven’t spoken to in a while. Once a year is better than none at all.
  19. Decorate your home with some festive décor. This doesn’t just include Christmas decorations, it could include seasonal accessories like candles, blankets or even pops of festive red and green colour in the form of cushions or flowers.
  20. Make a real effort to spend time chatting with your family and loved ones. Talk about your year, holidays you went on, funny things that happened, what you did and what you enjoyed. Play board games, charades, cards, listen to music and dance. Limit your screen time and focus on each other.


Christmas is a special time. It brings mixed emotions for some and joy to many. A simpler Christmas can ease the stress and workload on you without compromising on the meaning or the wonderful memories and plenty of fun and laughter.

I hope this list of 20 simple Christmas traditions will help you make a memorable Christmas without needing to stress lots, overwhelm yourself and spend too much money that you later regret.

Do you have any other Christmas traditions that you’d add to this list? Leave a comment at the end of the article to share your ideas!

20 simple Christmas traditions


Here are some other articles you might find helpful if you’d like to simplify Christmas and the holidays: