Want to get ready for the week ahead and make it a great week, full of things that make life meaningful to you? Here are 30 journal prompts to start the week with intention and clarity. I hope they help simplify your life so you can look forward to the week ahead and get the most out of it!
Journaling is a powerful way to explore your relationship with life. Reflecting on key questions, thinking about your responses and putting them down on paper helps clarify your thoughts so that you can think clearly, take action and live purposefully. After all, the whole premise of intentional living is that we’re more aware of and ask more questions about why we do or don’t do things, what we let into our lives, what we keep out and why.
Journaling is a useful tool to help you explore what a meaningful and intentional life of purpose really means to you.
If you’re new to journaling, try these journaling tips for beginners to encourage a meaningful life.
The world is a busy, noisy place and our thoughts often get drowned out. Journaling helps us listen to our little inner voice that’s trying to signal what it needs and wants. Sometimes life means we can’t hear and we keep ploughing on, oblivious to what the inner us is calling for.
Journaling encourages us to take a breath, be still and quiet so that our inner voice can be truly heard. We can act on what it’s asking and telling us and use it to shape our choices, decisions and direction in life.
I don’t know about you but I prefer to get a head-start on my week instead of my week dictating what happens and how I feel about it. It’s easy to lurch from day to day, doing your daily activities on auto-pilot and then arrive at the end of the week wondering where the time went.
To avoid this happening, I like to plan, prepare and organise as much as possible. This includes looking at my schedule, creating a meal plan, checking my finances, writing my To Do list and making my shopping lists. More than that, I like to think about what I want out of the week, what I’d like to achieve, how I’m going to find time and space for leisure, self-care, exercise, personal development and growth.
This is why I love to write about simple and intentional living because it’s a lifestyle that helps you prioritise what’s important to YOU, not just what’s important to your schedule, work or day to day routine.
In this article I hope to share some start of the week journal prompts to help you show up for your life and live your week with intention and clarity. Use the prompts to get clear on what you want from your week ahead and take actionable steps to make that happen!
Let’s get ready to start the week…

In this article I’d like to share some start of the week journal prompts to help guide your thoughts for the week. What do you hope the week will bring, how will you react to what happens this week and how can you make this week meaningful and positive?
Use the journal prompts alongside some of my other articles on this topic to help you get clear on what you want from your week ahead and how to plan and organise for those things to happen:
- 7 Things You Should Do on Sunday for a Productive Week Ahead
- 7 Ways to Beat the Sunday Scaries
- How to Plan for the Week Ahead
- Mid-Week Check In: 10 Mindful Questions to Ask Yourself
- How To Stop Living For The Weekends and Enjoy Your Week More
Here are 30 journal prompts to start the week with intention and clarity. Answer them as fully as you’re able so you can use your responses to formulate a plan for your coming week.
I hope they help you focus your thoughts, define your objectives and make time for you and what’s important to you.
- What do I hope to achieve this week?
- What is my greatest goal for this week?
- What do I plan to enjoy most about this week?
- What do I hope to be successful at this week?
- What habits do I plan to maintain or build upon this week?
- How will I take care of myself this week?
- How will I build and strengthen my important relationships this week?
- How will I manage my finances this week?
- How will I look after my home this week?
- What will I do with my free time this week?
- What do I hope to learn this week?
- What will I say no to this week and why?
- What encouragement will I give myself this week?
- How will I find enjoyment in my every day?
- How will I know if I’m feeling stressed, tired or overwhelmed?
- How will I look after my physical health this week?
- How will I take care of my mental health this week?
- What am I most grateful for this week and why?
- What am I most looking forward to this week and why?
- What am I not looking forward to this week and why?
- What went well last week and what can I learn to bring forward to the week ahead?
- What didn’t go well last week and what can I learn to bring forward to the week ahead?
- Do I need help and support from anyone this week? If so, why?
- What can I delegate this week or let go of?
- What word, thought or feeling sums up how I feel about or anticipate the week ahead?
- What would I need to do this week to feel content and fulfilled when the weekend comes around?
- How will I spend the weekend to close this week and begin the next?
- What are my intentions and hopes for the week?
- How can I practice being present and mindful this week even if life is busy?
- How will I reconnect with myself and my thoughts and feelings on a regular basis this week?

Journaling is a wonderful way of getting back in tune with how you’re thinking and feeling. I love how I can get clarity from my busy mind by putting my thoughts down on paper and seeing them take shape. Sometimes I don’t realise I’m thinking a certain way until I read them back to myself and see the train of thought!
The benefits of journaling are best felt when we create a regular journaling practice, even perhaps a daily habit. We can build up a picture of how we’re thinking and feeling over time, we notice trends and patterns and can see how everything changes over time and with changing life and personal circumstances.
Here are some tips on how to make journaling a regular practice without it feeling pressured or like yet another thing to add to your To Do list:
1. Journal at a set time
I don’t mean being completely rigid about timings but, from my own experience, I’ve found that I journal more regularly when I journal at roughly the same time each day. I like to journal first thing in the morning as part of my morning routine. My mind is fresh, the house is quiet and I have no distractions from my kids or from the day ahead. Choose your own time of the day to journal, maybe in the evening before bed or during your lunch break and try to repeat it daily so it becomes a regular habit.
2. Have your journaling supplies easily to hand
I have a little basket with my journal and pens ready for me in the morning when I’m about to start journaling. This way, I’m not delayed or put off from journaling as I try to find my journal or a pen to write with! Instead of feeling stressed that I’m wasting time, I can just get on with freeing my mind and writing my thoughts.
3. Don’t worry about what you’re writing
Journal as you think. Don’t worry about using certain language, getting the tone right or choosing exactly the right words. Ignore spelling or punctuation mistakes or grammatical errors. Unless you want them to, nobody else need read what you’re writing so it doesn’t have to make sense or be legible to anyone but you. Write freely, let your thoughts and emotions flow out through your words and on to the paper.
4. Set a timer
I don’t know about you, but sometimes I find that when I’m journaling I get lost in my thoughts and lose track of time. Keep it simple, don’t make journaling an onerous task to add to your To Do list. Keep it short but sweet, powerful but packing a punch!
Journaling is an impactful way of working out what you want and don’t want from life and how to pursue that and it makes a wonderful tool to help you live with purpose and clarity.
Here are some other journal prompts which you might find helpful in creating a simple, intentional life.
- 30 Journal Prompts for Self-Discovery
- 5 Powerful Journal Prompts for Self-Reflection
- 30 Journal Prompts to Inspire Simplicity in Your Life
- Journal Prompts for Self-Care and Self-Love
- 35 Journal Prompts for Decluttering Your Home and Life with Clarity and Ease

Antonia Colins is the creator of Balance Through Simplicity, helping busy people declutter, simplify and live more intentionally. She has over 20 years of personal and professional experience in juggling work and family life and supporting individuals to remain independent and enjoy their home more. In her spare time, you can find Antonia walking, gardening or planning her next travel adventure! She lives in the UK with her husband and teenage kids. Read more about Antonia.