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30 Self-Care Ideas for Winter

30 Self-Care Ideas for Winter


The nights are drawing in and the weather is getting colder. Now’s the time for a winter self-care routine to nurture your body and mind. Try these 30 self-care ideas for winter which you could include into your regular self-care routine.


Your self-care is important. A regular routine of looking after your body and mind helps you keep strong and healthy emotionally, physically and psychologically for the demands of daily life.

In Winter it can be difficult to honour and maintain your self-care as it’s often colder (and less inviting!) outside and darker in the evenings. Many of us tend to want to hibernate if possible!

Here are some simple, effective self-care ideas that are perfect for this time of year. Try to make a point of doing them regularly, maybe choose one idea per day. Even just a little bit of time for you can make a big difference to your physical and mental health.


Here are 30 self-care ideas for winter to help you take care of yourself through the winter months.

  1. Gratitude – Practice daily gratitude and appreciate all that you have in life, instead of constantly searching and wishing for what you don’t.
  2. Journal – Get your thoughts out of your head and down onto paper so you can see them clearly and take action where necessary. Journaling helps us reconnect with our thoughts and check in with our emotions.
  3. 10 minutes to yourself – It may not be a long time but just having some quiet time to do what YOU want, instead of what others want you to do, can help you recharge your batteries.
  4. Bath and bubbles – Nothing beats a long soak in a warm bath with some lovely bath products to add a little touch of luxury!
  5. A hot cup of coffee, tea or hot chocolate – Make yourself a hot drink and make time to actually sit and drink it whilst it’s still warm! Be present in the moment and enjoy it.
  6. Walk in the cold – Wrap up warm and take a brisk walk in the cold to get your body moving and blood pumping. Walking has amazing health benefits.
  7. Enjoy mulled wine – A perfect seasonal treat that warms the heart and the body!
  8. Think about your goals for next year – Take some time to really plan some intentional goals that align with your priorities and really serve you in your life.
  9. Sort your winter clothesDeclutter your wardrobe and go through the cold weather clothes to see what you love, what you wear regularly and what you haven’t worn for the last 3 winters.
  10. Light a scented candle – Bring a little warmth and cosy light to your home when it’s dark outside. Read more about minimalism and Hygge for more ideas on how to be cosy without clutter!
  11. Decorate your home with seasonal colours and accessories – Go for colours and textures that reflect the season we’re in and if you love dressing your home up with Christmas decorations, then go for it!
  12. Read a book – When it’s cold and dark outside, nothing beats curling up under a blanket with a good book.
  13. Bake – I love the smell of freshly baked cakes and cookies so hone your baking skills when it’s much warmer in the home than outside it!
  14. Learn a skill – Again, you might not be able to spend so much time outside with the shorter days so think about ways you can use your time productively inside instead.
  15. Keep hydrated and drink plenty of water – Don’t let your skin dry out because the heating’s going full-blast.
  16. Declutter your home – Remember that decluttering is a wonderful form of self-care. Here are some monthly decluttering projects for December and February which you might enjoy.
  17. Spend time with loved ones – For many of us, this season is a time for family and friends so make a point of connecting with those who mean the most to you.
  18. Enjoy and experiment cooking stews and soups – Create some warm and hearty meals that you can batch cook and make big quantities of to freeze for super-busy times.
  19. Have a pyjama day – Why get dressed if you don’t have to?
  20. Call a friend or loved one – A good chat with someone you love and trust does wonders for our mental health.
  21. Be organised and prepared for Christmas so there’s no stress – Check out these 30 things to plan and organise for Christmas.
  22. Think about the last year – What’s gone well, what not so, what did you learn? Try these tips to review your year and plan the coming one.
  23. What do you remember most about the past year? – Was it mostly good memories and, if so, how can you recreate them?
  24. Can you identify 3 things you’d like to achieve or do over the next year?Make a plan to help them happen!
  25. Arrange a fun and cosy night in for you and your partner/family/friends – Make it really special by making everyone feel at home.
  26. Enjoy the seasonal festivities but don’t over-indulgeTake care of your body.
  27. Be careful with your money – Don’t go crazy and overspend too much so you stress yourself out by getting into so much debt you can’t pay it off. Here are some tips to simplify your finances.
  28. What’s your word for next year? – Think about what you’d like next year to bring and what one word will sum up how you will approach the coming year.
  29. Share a hug – Give someone a hug, either for warmth or to show them some love.
  30. Remember you are special – Because you are!
30 Self-Care Ideas for Winter


If you enjoyed these ideas, here is a round-up of my seasonal self-care collection:


I’m Antonia and on this blog I share practical inspiration to simplify your home, time and life. Follow me on InstagramFacebook and Pinterest! You can also subscribe to Balance Through Simplicity and receive regular simplicity tips straight to your inbox for free. Make sure you never miss an article plus you’ll get a copy of my free Declutter Starter Kit as a welcome gift!