The days are getting longer and we’re over the worst of the cold, dark Winter. Look forward to a brighter, sunnier Spring to rejuvenate body and mind. Try these 30 self-care ideas for Spring to freshen up your regular self-care routine.
Your self-care is important. A regular routine of looking after your body and mind helps you keep strong and healthy emotionally, physically and psychologically for the demands of daily life.
Spring is a time of new beginnings, for transformation and growth. There is fresh colour in the garden as the new shoots of Spring flowers start to emerge. The warming weather means it’s also easier for us to get outdoors instead of hibernating inside over Winter.
Here are 30 self-care ideas for Spring to help you take care of yourself. There are plenty of tips for your daily routine, healthy habits and well-being ideas for a healthy and happy body and mind.
Remember that you’re important and you deserve and need to prioritise yourself every now and then so you can carry on looking after everyone else!
Hop over to my other self-care posts for some more inspiration.
Here are 30 self-care ideas for Spring to nourish your body and grow your mind.
- Take 10 minutes to yourself – It may not be a long time but just having some quiet time to do what YOU want, instead of what others want you to do, can help you recharge your batteries.
- Go for a walk – Enjoy the sunshine and fresh air. Get some exercise to move your body and listen to the birds. Walk as fast and for as long as you like!
- Spring-clean your home – Give a little time to cleaning those areas which don’t normally get a look in. A detailed, deep clean of your home will freshen things up and make your home feel and look nicer. There are some great mental health benefits to spring-cleaning too! Think about washing those sofa covers, cushions, curtains and carpets? Try these ideas to spring-clean your home of these 10 best places to start spring cleaning if your motivation is low!
- Sort your spring clothes – Declutter your wardrobe and go through your clothes. Wash and store your cold weather clothes if you’re unlikely to use them now (although it depends which part of the world you’re living in!). Choose your Spring wardrobe, thinking about colours, your go-to signature style, your lifestyle and what type of clothes you need most of. Sort through the items you can donate to charity or those that can be recycled.
- Plan your meals – Include plenty of spring vegetables, salads and fruit. You might like to try these simple tips for healthy eating if you want to spring-clean your body as well as your home!
- Meet a friend for coffee – Enjoy chatting, having a laugh and catching up on news with a good friend.
- Journal – Get your thoughts out of your head and down onto paper so you can see them clearly and take action where necessary. Try these journal prompts for self-discovery or these journaling tips for beginners if you’re new to the practice but would like to try it for yourself. You might enjoy these spring journal prompts to inspire reflection and growth.
- Try meditation – Listen to a guided meditation from YouTube or just sit quietly and comfortably and focus on your breathing. Try to be totally present in the here and now and when your mind starts to wander, re-centre it on your breathing. Enjoy a few moments of peace, quiet and stillness to yourself.
- Redecorate a room or move the furniture around to ring the changes. Try these tips on how to simplify your space.
- Start reading a new book – Find some quiet time to yourself each day. As Stephen King states, “Books are a uniquely portable magic.” In a busy world where everything is noisy and buzzing, a good book is a calm and restorative place to retreat – either for fun or learning or both!
- Re-visit your daily routine – Think about your daily routine and habits and what you could do to help yourself be happier, healthier and more productive.
- Go for a picnic or eat a meal outside – This will depend on the weather but if it’s warm enough, enjoy eating al fresco!
- Throw open the curtains and windows as much as possible – Let in the light and fresh air.
- Limit your screen time and enjoy the real world around you instead of the one on your phone! Here are some tips on mindful use of your phone and productive things to do on your phone instead of social media!
- Book your summer holiday (or at least a few days away or a day out!)
- Wash your car and clean the inside
- Plan a day out – Now the weather is getting nicer, it’s easier to plan a trip out. Visit somewhere new, get a change of scene and give yourself something to look forward to!
- Decorate your home with seasonal colours and accessories – Go for colours and textures that reflect the season we’re in and bring some Spring from outside into the indoors. Make your home a sanctuary and place to recharge before you head back out again into the world.
- Take care of your skin – Winter dries out our skin so make a point of rehydrating and moisturising dry, cracked skin.
- Buy some fresh flowers for your home – Liven up your home, introduce some scent, beauty and pops of colour with some freshly cut flowers.
- Take up yoga and stretch that body – There are many resources on YouTube but my favourite is Yoga with Adriene.
- Gratitude – Practice daily gratitude and appreciate all that you have in life, instead of constantly searching and wishing for what you don’t.
- Re-visit your beauty routine – Is it time to change colours, find a new product you like or simplify your make-up routine? Take a moment to declutter any make-up or beauty products that are past their best.
- Take up a new hobby – Try an evening class, an online course or just something you can learn from your own home. Grow your mind!
- Declutter your home – Remember that decluttering is a wonderful form of self-care. Try this list of 50 easy things to declutter right now to kick-start your decluttering. Spring is a great time to declutter!
- Take up gardening – Anything from mowing that grass and full-scale landscaping to planting a few herb seeds in flower pots to keep on your kitchen window sill.
- Sort through your winter outdoor coats – Store once the weather is warmer and you don’t need to access them.
- Go for a hair-cut – Either freshen up your existing style or try a completely new style!
- Reset your life – The changing seasons are a wonderful time to reset your life. Explore what’s working for you, anything that you’d like to change or develop and come up with a plan to make that happen. You might enjoy this article on how to reset your life for some tips.
- Remember you are special – Because you are!

If you enjoyed these ideas, here is a round-up of my seasonal self-care collection:
- 30 self-care ideas for Spring
- 30 self-care ideas for Summer
- 30 self-care ideas for Autumn
- 30 self-care ideas for Winter
In this article I shared some self-care ideas for Spring but, of course, self-care should extend throughout the year, not just with the changing seasons.
Self-care is about finding time and space to listen to your body and mind and tend to their needs. What you do as part of your own self-care can look different as you go through life and with the different demands that it places upon you.
For self-care to be effective, sustainable and practical, it needs to be woven into your regular daily, weekly, monthly and yearly routines, in a way that feels comfortable and realistic for you. It’s no good setting yourself the target of running a 5k race in a couple of months if you don’t have time to train, or a habit to make sure that training happens.
I’m familiar with these struggles because self-care was something I always used to put off for another day, and another, and another. It didn’t seem important or urgent when I compared it against all the other things I was having to do.
There were consequences if I didn’t meet my work deadlines, didn’t make dinner for my kids, or take them for regular dentist appointments. I didn’t have the same consequences for myself when I didn’t take time to look after me – or so I thought until it all caught up with me and I reached burn-out.
What changed things for me was decluttering my home, guarding my time more wisely and prioritising self-care using a self-care plan that fitted around me and my life.
If you enjoyed these self-care ideas for Spring, then perhaps you might like to read some of these articles and resources on self-care, slowing down and finding time to take care of yourself:
- 6 self-care habits for your daily routine
- How to make time for yourself without feeling guilty or selfish
- Simple ways to feel better about life
- How to slow down: simple tips to slow down and enjoy life more
- 20 simple things to do when you’re having a bad day

Antonia Colins is the creator of Balance Through Simplicity, helping busy people declutter, simplify and live more intentionally. She has over 20 years of personal and professional experience in juggling work and family life and supporting individuals to remain independent and enjoy their home more. In her spare time, you can find Antonia walking, gardening or planning her next travel adventure! She lives in the UK with her husband and teenage kids. Read more about Antonia.
Becca Farrelly
Tuesday 25th of February 2020
I'm definitely going to try and do this! My aim for this year was to take more time for myself, to relax and do things I enjoy again and I haven't done very much so far!
Balance Through Simplicity
Wednesday 26th of February 2020
Hi Becca, at least you're thinking about it! Sometimes the rest of life does get in the way! I hope these ideas help.