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12 Gifts to Give Yourself For a Meaningful Life

12 Gifts to Give Yourself For a Meaningful Life

Put yourself first every now and then with these 12 gifts to give yourself for a meaningful life. Mindset, self-care and organisation ideas to help make life a little easier, purposeful and joy-filled for you.


You could be reading this at any time, but as I write this it’s around Christmas time and the shops, Pinterest and my kids are telling me that the festive season is on its way!

So, I began to think about gifts, not just about gifts for others but gifts that we can bestow upon ourselves. And that doesn’t mean just at Christmas time either.

Perhaps we could begin to love and cherish ourselves a little bit more throughout the year too for an easier, more purposeful and joy-filled life?

If this sounds like something that you could benefit from, here are a few ideas you might like to try…


Here are 12 gifts to give yourself to make life easier and more filled with purpose and joy.

1. Free time

It may be a little hard to find, but whenever you can snatch a few moments to yourself, please do so. It’s amazing what even 10 minutes can do to restore body and mind. Make a little list now of what you’d do with those 10 minutes. Would you read, snuggle in bed, cuddle your pet, go for a walk? If they sound tempting, can you find time to do one of them today?

Here are some simple self-care ideas you can do in 10 minutes or less. There’s enormous power in finding ways to be less busy, give ourselves space to show up for our life and practice the art of slow living.

2. Time away from the screens

It’s ok, you can pop your phone on silent, set it on a high shelf where you can’t see it light up the room, turn off your notifications so you’re not tempted to swipe away. Give yourself a break from Google, your inbox or those little pop-ups in the bottom right of your screen.

Close your tabs, put down your devices and give yourself a screen break. Here are some tips on how to use social media mindfully if you struggle with too much scrolling.

3. A notebook

Keep it on your bedside table to jot down thoughts that come to you in the night. Use it to write down tasks you need to do today. Make a list of things you’re grateful for. Brain dump what’s bothering you or brainstorm ideas for your next project, holiday etc. Use your notebook to build a regular journaling habit.

Free your mind and use your notebook to hold the thoughts that your busy brain would otherwise be holding for you. What thoughts, hopes and wisdom would you like your brain to hold instead?

4. Something nice to look at

It could be a bunch of flowers (or fake flowers!), a candle, a new cushion, your child’s drawing framed on the wall, a favourite photo on your desk… the choice is yours. Make sure it brings a smile to your face, warms your heart, makes you laugh, or energises those happy chemicals in your brain! These are just some little ways to bring moments of joy to your every day.

5. A kick up the ***

Bet you weren’t expecting this one on the list! Well, it may not be the most obvious gift but I do personally believe that practicing tough love on ourselves is important sometimes. It could be saying no to that last slice of chocolate cake, chastising ourselves for being too lazy to go out for a walk, chopping up our credit cards if we’re drowning in debt or removing apps off our phone to limit time on social media.

Being firm with ourselves and saying enough is enough is vital for taking personal responsibility and realising that real change has to come from within. Tough love shouldn’t be your default mindset because kind words are important but every now and then I think it comes in handy to help us bring about positive, purposeful change in our lives.

6. Have closure on the day

When it gets to the evening and you’re winding down for bed and sleep, draw a metaphorical line under the day and across your To Do list. Tell yourself that you’ve done what you can for today and you’ll start afresh tomorrow. Don’t carry your to-dos into bed and into your dreams. Here are some more tips on how to create a simple evening routine. Don’t forget to reset your home and put your home to bed like you do yourself!

Gifts to give yourself for a meaningful life

7. Headphones

I’m a Highly Sensitive Person (an HSP) and an introvert. Sometimes I just need quiet. Quiet time to think, to get things done, to listen to myself instead of the busy, noisy world around me!

I also like to listen to things whilst I’m on the go. I can listen to music whilst I’m cooking dinner or listen to a podcast whilst walking the dog. I can meditate whilst sitting in my living room but without background noise courtesy of my kids. Headphones help me connect with and learn from the outside world.

8. Space

Space is a wonderful thing. It could be space in your diary, space in your mind, space in your closet. Space invites calm, clarity and room to breathe and grow. When your home and your life is stuffed full, you’ve got no flexibility for things you want to do, things that come up unexpectedly, or things that need you because you’re overstretched already. Here are some tips on how to declutter your life to create space for more of what you want and need.

9. Compassion

I bet you’re harder on yourself than you are on your loved ones! I know I certainly am. I seem to think I can do it all. I set the bar really high then have a go at myself when I don’t quite reach.

Would you expect your family, kids or friends to do everything, all of the time? What do you say to them when they fail – Don’t worry, you tried your best? No-one’s perfect? Have another go tomorrow? Practice saying these things to yourself instead and show yourself some kindness.

Ask yourself whether it really all needs to be done by yesterday? Does it all need to be done perfectly? Does it all need to be done anyway, and by you? Be kind to yourself like you are kind to others.

10. A diary

Spend a little time setting up an electronic diary on your phone or buy yourself a little paper diary. Commit to updating it often, keeping it under review and assessing when you’ve got too much to do or too much of the wrong things. Add in birthdays, dentist appointments, anniversaries, school events, coffee mornings.

Stop trying to remember appointments, forgetting important events or double-booking yourself. Being organised saves you time, stress and a lot of frustration! Here are some more tips to help you be more organised.

11. Self-appreciation

Stand in front of the mirror and say some lovely things about yourself. Stop looking at those wrinkles or the grey hairs showing through, or the dimply and wobbly bits, or that you’ve forgotten to feed the dog…

Put negativity, criticism and your To-Do list aside for a moment and say some kind things about that amazing body and mind of yours and all that it does for you every day. (And then go and feed the dog if you need to!).

12. A hobby

My blog is my hobby (and then some!). I pour time, energy and love into it and it’s something I look forward to doing whenever I can. A hobby helps one switch off from the day-to-day. It makes us happy, fulfilled, rewarded, inspired, relaxed and any number of other emotions that we often can’t find in our busy, responsible lives.

Explore your own hobbies, give them time and don’t feel guilty or selfish for spending a little time doing something for you.

Gifts to give yourself for a meaningful life


Here are some other posts and resources which you might find helpful:


I’d love to know if you have anything to add to this list. What gifts do you give to yourself? Do you feel guilty or selfish for spending time, money or both on yourself? If so, why? Please share your thoughts in the comments below…


Tuesday 14th of February 2023

Sounds good, i like a lot of your ideas and they are all good tips that dont involve buying things. Thank you for your help to declutter, it helps our planet when we dont buy things that end up in landfill and damage the planet. Thank you.

Balance Through Simplicity

Wednesday 15th of February 2023

Hi Eve, you're very welcome and thank you for your lovely comment. I totally agree that we should do our little bit to save our planet and help protect it for the future.